Energy Commodities in Transition
Climate Change and the Future of Commodity Markets
Welcome to Energie International
The energy transition fundamentally challenges global commodity markets.
Growing pressure for decarbonization increases uncertainty on well established markets for oil and coal. Less transparent trade in uranium, critical minerals and even natural gas becomes more and more important. Meanwhile, it is still unclear how the nascent production for low-carbon hydrogen and sequestered carbon will develop. With the production or use of all these commodities requiring water, the changes in global water cycles add an additional element of risk.
The development of these markets will crucially impact the energy system of the future. Ecological sustainability is the key driver for the ongoing changes. But any long-term energy supply will also have to be affordable, stable and equitable, while still generating opportunities to improve the human condition. Finding the right commodity mix for this future amounts to a breathtaking optimization challenge. It can only succeed if political and business realities are fully taken into account.
It is my goal to contribute to resolving the challenge. Building on my long-term experience as a researcher on oil and gas, I offer analysis, information and insights on the development of energy commodity markets and the best ways to optimize across the goal dimensions of the energy commodity transition.
Feel free to learn more about me and my philosophy here and at my substack, Rohstoffwende - Energy Commodities in Transition. Some of my older stuff is available on this page and here. You are welcome to connect via the contact form or on LinkedIn. You can also send me an email. I am currently available for presentations and commentaries. Future offers will always appear on this site.

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