About the Author

Welcome to Energie International!

I am Michael Sander, founder and author of Energie International.

I have worked on energy-related topics since my Master Thesis at the University of Trier in 2005.

In 2010, I concluded my Doctoral Thesis on interorganizational networks in Russian-German gas relations with magna cum laude.

The thesis was supported with a research grant by Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation and published by Nomos. It was supervised by Joachim Schild and Hanns-W. Maull at the University of Trier.

After receiving my Ph.D, I was able to work among others at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Research Center Siegen, which was led by Carsten Hefeker.

During this time, my research focused on the motives for oil companies to engage in the provision of public goods.

I was able to conduct parts of my work as a Visiting Fellow at the Center for International Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The CIS also supported my project with a research grant.

Some of my results have been published in Energy Policy, Energy Research and Social Science and New Political Economy. I have also regularly presented on conferences and workshops of the International Studies Association and the European International Studies Association.

I am available for presentations, commentaries, and short analyses. You can find some of my contributions on my new blog Rohstoffwende - Energy Commodities in Transition. Feel free to contact me with the contact form, per email or on LinkedIn.

michael sander energie international

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